
CoronavirusHoe gaan wij hiermee om

For English: see below


Graag informeren wij je hoe wij als NMG omgaan met de ontwikkelingen rondom het coronavirus.

Voorop staat dat wij als bedrijf de adviezen en richtlijnen van het RIVM en de GGD blijven opvolgen. Wij vragen ook om jouw medewerking hierin: wij schudden geen handen en verzoeken je niet naar bijvoorbeeld een bezichtiging te komen bij hoesten, niezen of andere (milde) griepverschijnselen. Meld je bij ons af en we zullen samen kijken naar een alternatief.

Wij verzoeken je zoveel mogelijk digitaal met ons te communiceren. Dit kan via:

algemene vragen:

voor vragen over huurwoningen: of

voor vragen over nieuwbouw huurwoningen:

voor vragen over koopwoningen:

voor vragen voor onze serviceafdeling / reparaties:

voor vragen over Vereniging van Eigenaars:

Wij vertrouwen erop dat wij vanwege deze bijzondere situatie kunnen rekenen op je begrip en medewerking.


NMG precautions related to the coronavirus

NMG has converted the measures taken by the government related to the COVID-19 coronavirus into specific precautions for (future) tenants, owners, buyers, employees and suppliers.

We have instructed our employees to avoid hand contact, to stay at least 2 meters away from each other, to wash hands after each consultation and settle agreements by telephone as much as possible.

Unfortunately, these measures can also have some impact on our services. We ask for your understanding.


Precautions for (future) tenants

NMG employees often have contact with (future) tenants. The following precautions have been taken:

- A viewing of a rental property takes place without supervision by an NMG employee in the house. Of course, we will ensure that the tenant can enter.

- A viewing of a rental property by a new tenant with a current tenant only takes place if both parties agree.

- A preliminary inspection only takes place by telephone.

- During the final inspection or delivery of a rental home, an NMG employee enters the home alone. The tenant is present to let the inspector in, to hand over the keys and sign the inspection report.

- Open houses with an open invitation are canceled: you can make an appointment for a viewing.


Precautions for our employees

Until April 6, and possibly longer, a large part of our employees works at home.. We limit external visitors at our offices and our appointments are handled by telephone or postponed wherever possible.


Services of external parties

NMG maintains close contact with various external service providers. In particular, the repair requests are aimed at resolving calamities. Cleaning services will continue.


Own responsibility

We ask your cooperation to jointly follow up the current measures. Avoid shaking hands and other physical contact, wash your hands regularly with soap, cough in the elbow and use paper handkerchiefs. In addition, we ask to be alert to the use of, for example, door handles and lift knobs.

An extra disinfectant wipe over these commonly used attributes can have a positive influence on your health and that of your environment.

Help each other and pass this message on to your fellow tenants who do not have e-mail options. Take good care of yourself and for each other.

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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